Knowledge hub

On this page you can view and download a selection of materials that provide more information about the HyNet North West Hydrogen Pipeline.

Should you require any of these materials in a more accessible format, or in a different language, please contact the project team by emailing or calling 0800 8606 261.

Design Evolution Report 2024 Design Evolution Report Appendix A - HAGI & BVI Green Belt assessment Design Evolution Report Appendix B Draft Order Limits Plans Landscape and Ecological Management Plan Outline Biodiversity Mitigation Strategy Draft Outline Lighting Strategy Non-Technical Summary Chapter 1: Introduction Appendix 1A Competent Experts Appendix 1B Glossary Appendix 1C Abbreviations Figure 1.1 Project Location Plan Figure 1.2 Key Components of the Project Chapter 2: The Project Appendix 2A Design Evolution Appendix 2B Crossing Schedule Figure 2.2 Draft Plans for Consultation Figure 2.3 Crossing schedule Chapter 3: Approach to Draft ES Appendix 3a Draft Register of Environmental Actions and Commitments Appendix 3B Draft Outline Construction Environmental Management Plan Appendix 3C REAC Chapter 4: Legislation and Planning Policy Appendix 4A Local Planning Policy Chapter 5: Biodiversity Appendix 5A Consultation and Engagement Appendix 5B Scoping of Assessment Summary Appendix 5C UK habitat survey report Appendix 5D Hynet 2022-2023 Hedgerow Survey Report Appendix 5E HyNet 2022-2024 Bat Tree Survey Report Appendix 5F Great Crested Newt Survey Report Appendix 5G HyNet 2022-2023 Otter and Water Vole Survey Report Appendix 5I HyNet 2022-2023 Reptile Survey Report Appendix 5J HyNet 2022-2023 Terrestrial Invertebrates Survey Report Appendix 5K Aquatic Ecology Survey Reports Appendix 5O Non-breeding Waterbird Survey Interim Report 2024 Appendix 5P Habitats Regulations Assessment Figure 5.1 Statutory Sites within the Study Area Figure 5.2 Non-statutory Sites within the Study Area Figure 5.3 Habitats of Principal Importance within the Study Area Chapter 6: Historic Environment Appendix 6A Archaeological Desk Based Assessment (DBA) Appendix 6B Assets scoped out of setting assessment Appendix 6C Historic Environment Gazetteer Appendix 6D Historic Environment Site Visit Photographs Appendix 6E Archaeological Geophysical Survey Report Appendix 6F Geoarchaeology Desk-based Assessment and preliminary Deposit modelling Appendix 6G Outline Archaeological Written Scheme of Investigation Figure 6.1 Designated heritage assets Figure 6.2 Non-designated heritage assets and remote sensing interpretation Figure 6.3 Historic Landscape Character Chapter 7: Water Environment Appendix 7A Scoping opinion and statutory consultation Appendix 7B Detailed water environment baseline information Appendix 7C Hydromorphology Desk Study Based Study and Site Survey Appendix 7D Assessment of water environment effects Appendix 7E Water Framework Directive Compliance Assessment Appendix 7F Flood Risk Assessment Appendix 7F.A Draft Outline Drainage Strategy Figure 7.1 Water Environment Overview Figure 7.2 Surface Water Catchments, including WFD Waterbodies and Conservation Sites Figure 7.3 Solid geology Figure 7.4 Superficial geology Figure 7.5 Water Environment Study Area and Groundwater WFD bodies Figure 7.6 Water resources including Licensed Abstractions, SPZs and Consented Discharges Figure 7.7 Environment Agency Flood Map for Planning overview Figure 7.8 Environment Agency risk of Surface Water flooding Chapter 8: Landscape and Visual Appendix 8A Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment Methodology Appendix 8B National Character Area Descriptions Appendix 8C Arboricultural Impact Assessment Appendix 8D Landscape Receptor Assessment Appendix 8E Viewpoint Assessment Appendix 8F Visual Receptor Assessment Figure 8.1 National Character Areas and Local Landscape Designations Figure 8.2-8.14 Landscape Receptors Figure 8.15-8.27 Visual Receptors Figure 8.28-8.40 Zones of Theoretical Visbility Figure 8.41 Photomontage and viewpoint photography Figure 8.42 Photomontage and viewpoint photography Figure 8.43 Photomontage and viewpoint photography Figure 8.44 Photomontage and viewpoint photography Figure 8.45 Photomontage and viewpoint photography Figure 8.46 Photomontage and viewpoint photography Figure 8.47 Photomontage and viewpoint photography Figure 8.48 Photomontage and viewpoint photography Figure 8.49 Photomontage and viewpoint photography Figure 8.50 Photomontage and viewpoint photography Figure 8.51 Photomontage and viewpoint photography Figure 8.52 Photomontage and viewpoint photography Figure 8.53 Photomontage and viewpoint photography Figure 8.54 Photomontage and viewpoint photography Figure 8.55 Photomontage and viewpoint photography Figure 8.56 Photomontage and viewpoint photography Figure 8.57 Photomontage and viewpoint photography Figure 8.58 Photomontage and viewpoint photography Figure 8.59 Photomontage and viewpoint photography Figure 8.60 Photomontage and viewpoint photography Figure 8.61 Photomontage and viewpoint photography Figure 8.62 Photomontage and viewpoint photography Figure 8.63 Photomontage and viewpoint photography Figure 8.64 Photomontage and viewpoint photography Figure 8.65 Photomontage and viewpoint photography Figure 8.66 Photomontage and viewpoint photography Figure 8.67 Photomontage and viewpoint photography Figure 8.68 Photomontage and viewpoint photography Figure 8.69 Photomontage and viewpoint photography Figure 8.70 Photomontage and viewpoint photography Figure 8.71 Photomontage and viewpoint photography Figure 8.72 Photomontage and viewpoint photography Figure 8.73 Photomontage and viewpoint photography Figure 8.74 Photomontage and viewpoint photography Figure 8.75 Photomontage and viewpoint photography Figure 8.76 Photomontage and viewpoint photography Chapter 9: Air Quality Appendix 9A Legislation, Guidance and Policy Appendix 9B Air Quality Consultation Appendix 9C Air Quality Automatic and Passive monitoring data Appendix 9D Construction Dust Assessment Appendix 9E Modelled receptors and backgrounds Appendix 9F Traffic Data Appendix 9G - Model Inputs and Verification Appendix 9H Human health model results Appendix 9I Ecological Receptor Model Results Chapter 10: Noise and Vibration Appendix 10A Scoping Opinion and Statutory Consultation Appendix 10B Baseline Noise Survey Report Appendix 10C Construction Traffic Data Chapter 11: Traffic and Transport Appendix 11A Stakeholder Summary Appendix 11B Construction Traffic Management Plan Appendix 11C Public Rights of Way Management Plan Appendix 11D Baseline descriptions Figure 11.1 Traffic and Transport Highways Links – West Figure 11.2 Traffic and Transport Highways Links – North Figure 11.3 Traffic and Transport Highways Links – East Figure 11.4 Traffic and Transport Highways Links – South Figure 11.5 Traffic and Transport Highways Links – SRN Study Area Figure 11.6 Baseline traffic surveys Figure 11.7 PRoW affected by the project Figure 11.8 Rail Network Crossings Figure 11.9 Navigable Waterways Network Crossing Locations Figure 11.10 LV Distribution Areas Figure 11.11 Accident Assessment Area Figure 11.12 Highways Links in the Study Area Figure 11.13 Project Accesses Figure 11.14 Vehicle Movements - HGVs Figure 11.15 Vehicle Movements - LVs Figure 11.16 Peak Day Matrices Figure 11.17 HGV distribution Figure 11.18 HGV access strategy Figure 11.19 LV Distribution Figure 11.20 Peak day development traffic - receptors Figure 11.21 Construction Traffic Across the Programme on B5153 Station Road Chapter 12: Ground Conditions Appendix 12A Geoenvironmental Preliminary Risk Assessment Appendix 12B Factual Report Appendix 12C Halite Risk Assessment Appendix 12D Hynet Geo-hazards Desktop Study Figure 12.1 Ground Conditions Study Area Chapter 13: Agriculture and Soil Resources Appendix 13A Peat Desk Study Appendix 13B Targeted Agricultural Land Classification (ALC) and peat survey points Figure 13.1 National Soil Map of England and Wales (NATMAP) Figure 13.2 Deep Peaty Soils Figure 13.3 Deep Peaty Soils peat survey findings to date Figure 13.4 Agricultural Land Classification (published information) Figure 13.5 ALC Survey Findings Chapter 14: Land Use Appendix 14 Minerals Resource Assessment Report Figure 14.1 Land Use Study Areas Figure 14.2 West Corridor Land Use Receptors Figure 14.3 North Corridor Land Use Receptors Figure 14.4 East Corridor Land Use Receptors Figure 14.5 East Corridor Land Use Receptors Chapter 15: People and Communities Appendix 15A Stakeholder engagement summary Chapter 16: Major Accidents and Disasters Appendix 16A Major Accidents and Disasters Harm Criteria Figure 16.1 Major Accidents and Disasters External Hazards Study Areas Figure 16.2 Major Accidents and Disasters Receptor Study Areas Chapter 17: Climate Change – Greenhouse Gas Emissions Chapter 18: Climate Change – Climate Change Resilience Chapter 19: Intra-Project effects Chapter 20: Summary
Statement of Community Consultation (SOCC), September 2022

Our SoCC sets out how we consulted local communities during our statutory consultation. It provides details about how people can take part in the consultation and how feedback from consultees will inform our final design.

Consultation Brochure, 12 September to 10 November 2022 (Spreads)

This brochure provides an overview of our updated proposals following the feedback we received during our first round of consultation in early 2022. If you require this brochure in an alternative format, please contact the project team by calling 0800 8606 261 or emailing:

Consultation Brochure, 12 September to 10 November 2022 (Single pages)

This brochure provides an overview of our updated proposals following the feedback we received during our first round of consultation in early 2022. If you require this brochure in an alternative format, please contact the project team by calling 0800 8606 261 or emailing:

This is a technical document describing the project. It sets out any potential environmental, social and economic effects in detail, and initial measures proposed to mitigate any potential effects, as well as some of the benefits of the project.

Chapter 1: Introduction Appendix 1A Competent Experts Appendix 1B Glossary Appendix 1C Abbreviations Figure 1.1: Project location plan Figure 1.2: Key components of the project Chapter 2: The Project Appendix 2A Crossing Schedule Figure 2.1 Project Overview Figure 2.2 Strategic Options A-D Figure 2.3 West Route Corridor Options Figure 2.4 North Preferred Route Corridor Figure 2.5 East Preferred Route Corridor Figure 2.6 South Route Corridor Options Figure 2.7 Runcorn Rocksavage Spur Options Figure 2.8 Northwich Spur Options Figure 2.9 Runcorn Rocksavage HAGI Options Figure 2.10 Higher Walton HAGI Options Figure 2.11 Cuerdley HAGI Search Area Figure 2.12 Clock Face and Burtonwood HAGI Search Areas Figure 2.13 St Helens HAGI Options Figure 2.14 Warburton HAGI Options Figure 2.15 Partington HAGI Options Figure 2.16 Central HUB HAGI Options Figure 2.17 Preliminary plans for consultation Figure 2.18 Crossings Schedule Chapter 3: Approach to preparing the PEIR Appendix 3A Scoping Opinion Responses Appendix 3B CEA Long and Short Lists Chapter 4: Legislative and policy overview Appendix 4A Local Planning Policy Chapter 5: Biodiversity Appendix 5A Scoping of Assessment Summary Appendix 5B HRA Screening Report Appendix 5C HyNet Decarbonisation Project Baseline Ornithology Report Winter 2021-22 Figure 5.1: Statutory Sites within the Study Area Figure 5.2 Non-statutory Sites within the Study Area Figure 5.3 Habitats of Principal Importance within the Study Area Chapter 6: Historic Environment Appendix 6A Historic Environment DBA Appendix 6B Scoped Out Effects Appendix 6C Historic Environment Gazetteer Appendix 6D Historic Environment Site Visit Photographs Figure 6.1 Designated Heritage Assets Figure 6.2 Non-designated heritage assets and findings of remote sensing analysis Figure 6.3 Historic Landscape Characterisation Figure 6.4 Areas of High and Medium Archaeological Potential Figure 6.5 Levels of Archaeological Sensitivity Chapter 7: Water Environment Appendix 7A Detailed water environment information report Appendix 7B Flood Risk Screening Assessment Appendix 7C Water Framework Directive Assessment Summary Note Figure 7.1 Water environment study area and overview of surface water WFD water bodies and monitoring locations Figure 7.2 Surface Water Catchments, including WFD Waterbodies and Conservation Sites Figure 7.3 Solid geology Figure 7.4 Superficial geology Figure 7.5 Water Environment Study Area and Groundwater WFD bodies Figure 7.6 Water resources including Licensed Abstractions, SPZs and Consented Discharges Figure 7.7 Environment Agency Flood Map for Planning overview Figure 7.8 Environment Agency risk of Surface Water flooding Figure 7.9 Water Environment Constraints Map Chapter 8: Landscape and Visual Appendix 8A Methodology Appendix 8B National Character Area Descriptions Appendix 8C Landscape Receptor Assessment Appendix 8D Visual Receptor Assessment Figure 8.1 National Character Areas and Local Landscape Designations Figure 8.2-8.14 Landscape Receptors Figure 8.15-8.27 Visual Receptors Figure 8.28-8.48 ZTVs HAGIs and BVs Figure 8.49-8.77 Viewpoints Chapter 9: Air Quality Appendix 9A Air Quality Automatic and Passive monitoring data Appendix 9B Dispersion Modelling Figure 9.1 Baseline Air Quality Study Area Figure 9.2 Air quality monitoring locations Figure 9.3 Construction dust assessment Study Area Figure 9.4 Construction phase receptor locations Chapter 10: Noise and Vibration Chapter 11: Traffic and Transport Appendix 11A Preliminary CTMP Appendix 11B Preliminary PROWMP Appendix 11C - Baseline Descriptions Appendix 11D HyNet Preliminary Transport and Logistics Report Appendix 11E Traffic Generation Figures for Individual Work Stages Figure 11.1 Traffic and Transport Highways Links – West Figure 11.2 Traffic and Transport Highways Links – North Figure 11.3 Traffic and Transport Highways Links – East Figure 11.4 Traffic and Transport Highways Links – South Figure 11.5 Traffic and Transport Highways Links – SRN Study Area Figure 11.6 Baseline Traffic Surveys Figure 11.7 PRoW Affected by the Project Figure 11.8 HGV Distribution Figure 11.9 HGV Access Strategy Figure 11.10 Tempro Geographic Areas Figure 11.11 Accident Assessment Area Figure 11.12 Highways Links in the Study Area Figure 11.13 Proposed Project Design Figure 11.14 Project Accesses Used to Inform PEIR Assessment Figure 11.15 HGV matrices Figure 11.16 LV matrices Figure 11.17 Peak week matrices Figure 11.18 HGV Distribution Figure 11.19 HGV Access Strategy Figure 11.20 LV Distribution Figure 11.21 Network Plot Chapter 12: Ground Conditions Figure 12.1 Ground Conditions Study Area Figure 12.2 Superficial Geology Figure 12.3 Solid Geology Figure 12.4 Historic and Authorised Landfills Figure 12.5 Groundwater Source protection Zones Chapter 13: Agriculture and Soil Resources Appendix 13A: HyNet Peat Desk Study Figure 13.1 National Soil Map of England and Wales (NATMAP) Figure 13.2 Deep Peaty Soils Figure 13.3 Agricultural Land Classification Chapter 14: Land Use Figure 14.1 Land Use Study Areas Figure 14.2 West Corridor Land Use receptors Figure 14.3 North Corridor Land Use Receptors Figure 14.4 East Corridor Land Use receptors Figure 14.5 South Corridor Land Use receptors Figure 14.6 Northwich Spur Land Use receptors Chapter 15: People and Communities Chapter 16 Major Accidents and Disasters Appendix 16A Major Accidents and Disasters Figure 16.1 Major Accidents and Disasters External Hazards Study Area Figure 16.2 Major Accidents and Disasters Receptor Study Area Chapter 17: Greenhouse Gas assessment Chapter 18: Climate Change Resilience Chapter 19: Intra-project cumulative effects
Preliminary Environmental Information Report (PEIR) Non-Technical Summary

This is a shorter, plain language summary of the PEIR's key points.

Section 47 and Section 48 notices

This document includes the project's notice of publication of the Statement of Community Consultation (Section 47 notice) and the publicising of the project's proposed application for a Development Consent Order (Section 48 notice).

This report provides background to and summarises the need for the project. It also describes the different options and alternatives we considered before arriving at the proposals outlined in this brochure.

Online consultation event, 4 October 6pm to 7pm Online consultation event, 20 October 6pm to 7pm

Information points

You can visit one of the information points below to access hard-copy versions of our consultation documents.

Information point
Chester Lane Community Centre Library - Four Acre Lane, St Helens, WA9 4DE
Frodsham Library - Princeway, Frodsham, WA6 6RX
Grappenhall Library - Victoria Avenue, Grappenhall, Warrington WA4 2PE
Knutsford Library - Toft Rd, Knutsford WA16 0PG
Northwich Library - Weaver Hall Museum, 162 London Road, Northwich, CW9 8AB*
Partington Library - Central Road, Partington, Manchester M31 4FY
Runcorn Old Town Library - Granville Street, Runcorn WA7 1NE
St Helens Library - The World of Glass, Chalon Way East, St Helens WA10 1BX
Thatto Heath Library - Thatto Heath Road, St Helens, WA10 3QS
Weaverham Library - Russet Road, Weaverham, CW8 3HY
Warrington Library - Museum Street, Warrington WA1 1JB

Interactive map

Interactive Map

This map shows an overview of our proposals. It shows the area where our pipeline will be routed and temporary construction areas located, as well as potential Hydrogen Above Ground Installation (HAGI) and Block Valve Installation (BVI) locations.

See map


The majority of our pipeline will be underground. However, we will need around nine HAGIs at certain points along the pipeline. This includes a Central Hub HAGI, which will act as the central connection point for each of our four pipeline route corridors.

Click here to find out more about HAGIs in our latest blog

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Please register your contact details with us if you would like to be kept informed about our project.

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